Tuesday, February 26, 2008

and heres january...

Not long now... I'll be posting February very soon so that I can cruise into the end. I'm doing all black and whites next month, and thought for final few I'd do self portraits.

This month I've been enjoying the randomness of my life, and I have weed heaven next door in the overgrown paddock. Its given me not only beautiful weeds, but a couple of interesting feathers and white moths (can you see the 2nd one in pic #316?)...
I've also had BDO this month and started the new year with a self portrait of course.. I've baked, I've contemplated who'd win a fight between Astroboy and Leonardo (TMNT)... I've enjoyed sipping tea from teacups and saucers, and even broken one..

1 comment:

Nikki and Steve said...

I totally commented here yesterday! What's going on?!

Anyway, I thought you might like to check out this blog:


It's called Bookworms With Ink, and it features pictures and comments of tattoos people have had done that are mostly literary quotes or illustrations.

It's really kinda cool.