Thursday, June 7, 2007

Day 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 and 97

Photo #97

Photo #96

Photo #95

Mini Challenge...Winter
Photo #94

This foggy morning began it all... theres more photos at LIME

Photo #93

Photo #92

Mini-Challenge...Abstract - Completed
Photo #91


Dean said...

Haven't taken a look for a while. You've got some great stuff in here Leia. I'm with you, l love the smoke images! I also love the colour saturation you got out of the backyard photos, did you crunch that in Photoshop or is that straight from the camera?

Leia Martin said...

straight from camera actually... and i agree, it is quite saturated. I guess lighting was perfect.. that clear sky and time of year also help... and the bright colours around me were also efffective.