Monday, March 3, 2008

project 365 - Full Circle

I have 3 photos to finish off. And I'm feeling very introspective... you've been warned...perhaps its the self portraits...Two would have completed, but I've chosen to take another today, so the project has come full circle. It feels then like its leading into something... rather than ended. I hope now to focus more on my LIME blog, where I can aim to show you a more in depth look at my work..
... but for now...
3 - three- self portraits to finish.
Each one shows different sides to me, although there is about 100 sides.

and why have I photographed myself this way...

I see myself positioned in front of one of my favourite things, my huge golden elm, and I am all natural, no blur, just sunlight..I see a person that values this tree in so many different ways.. I see some type of environmentalists.. she isn't quite sure.. isn't quite there 100% not sure if she ever will.. She is in awe of the natural world.. and she believes every effort towards helping our planet for her son, and everyones sons and daughters, is step in the right direction.. She worries not everyone cares enough.. she cries when she sees a whale harpooned..

and she can laugh... she is a dag.. she doesn't always take life so seriously and enjoys being an idiot in order to entertain others..she has a blurred sense of humour...

but does reflect a lot... she over-analyses everything.. she thinks way too much about way too many things...

I have always struggled when the camera turned to face me. Perhaps it says a lot about me as a person.

I am myself when looking through the lens and this project has helped remind me of that passion.

What I show you is me. Its how I think, its how I see the world. I do see the beauty in things that otherwise may go unnoticed. I do literally frame things in my mind and focus on one element.
I remember when I was studying visual art, about 7 years ago, I use to always see the world this way. Whether I was driving, or on the train, or walking around town, even looking at my friends and family, but I lost it not long after leaving uni, when I had Bain and life got hectic. Its only since challenging myself with this project that I have it back. Although I have failed in literally taking a photo a day for a year... I now have my love for photographing the world back...

*see all the photographs in a slideshow @ Picasa web albums, once there click little box saying 'slideshow' just above photos, it has a small green play symbol, and watch away..

1 comment:

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